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What You Need To Know About Our EWRS-TH-HS Tires

Landing Page icon 1 - White Serviceability and Convenience

The EWRS-TH-HS series of hard surface telehandler tire can be easily repaired with minimal tools and expertise. This eliminates the need for service trucks and specialized technicians, saving you time and money on maintenance.

Landing Page icon 2 - White Traction and Longevity

Our EWRS-TH-HS hard surface telehandler tire series offers hard surface bidirectional tread patterns to suit your specific application. This ensures optimal traction and increased wear life, maximizing your tire investment.

Check the EWRS-TH-HS

On Customer's Machines

Meet The Needs Of Today's Job Site Demands

Safety Icon_white Damage Resistance and Safety

Our engineers have designed the EWRS-TH-HS hard surface telehandler tire series to withstand damage and sidewall gashes commonly seen in pneumatic or foam-filled telehandler tires. This emphasis on durability and quality ensures a safer working environment for your team. 

Gears icon_white Maximum Stability and Load Bearing Capacity 

The EWRS-TH-HS series features a unique core hole design, providing a consistent and predictable loading profile. This translates to enhanced stability and load bearing capacity for your telehandler, ensuring smooth and efficient operation. 

Tire Dimensions

Tire Size
Overall Diameter
Inches (mm)
Inches (mm)
Rim Diameter
Inches (mm)
Wearable Tread Depth
Inches (mm)
Lb (kg)
Max Load Rating
5mph Lb (kg)
20mph Lb (kg)

The Benefits of Solid Telehandler Tires

The type of telehandler tires you put on your machine are not only necessary to use the equipment, but they’ll also have a bearing on how much money you spend on repairs, replacements, and ultimately the telehandler itself. The type of telehandler tires you use make a big difference in the life expectancy and overall performance of your machine.

Solid telehandler tires or pneumatic telehandler tires?

Pneumatic tires are filled with air; they’re your basic tire. These tires are great for your pickup truck, but when it comes to putting in serious work and lifting heavy loads these tires are not as reliable as some may think. Pneumatic telehandler tires go flat very quickly in construction applications when working in abrasive and puncture-prone conditions. Why do flat tires matter on your telehandler?

1. Cost

First, flat tires cost money. Every time you replace flat pneumatic telehandler tires, you’re essentially throwing your money away compared to solid telehandler tires because of repairs, replacements, and downtime costs. Why? Because solid telehandler tires don’t go flat so don’t come with these added expenses. They’re made of solid rubber through and through. Yes, they cost more upfront, but they last up to three times longer than pneumatic telehandler tires or foam-filled telehandler tires. Another benefit of solid telehandler tires is that they don’t come with expensive service calls for flat repairs. Despite higher upfront costs, in the long run, you’ll save more money with solid telehandler tires. This is because you eliminated tire replacement costs from flat damage, but more importantly you’re saving on costly downtime of your telehandler while you’re repairing or replacing pneumatic telehandler tires. On a construction site, you can't afford to be wasting money due to downtime or unsalvageable damaged tires.

2. Time

Speaking of waste, you also can't afford to be wasting time. Construction jobs have deadlines and these target dates are carefully calculated. This means that delays due to flat tires can cost a company a lot of money in the construction business. They can seriously hurt a job or a business. Pneumatic telehandler tires frequently go flat when working in abrasive and strenuous applications. Putting tires like that on your telehandler is asking for trouble. When employees are fixing flat tires, they’re not working on the task at hand which means they’re taking longer to complete their work. This all adds up to what we like to call downtime. Ultimately, it will take you longer to complete a job which could cause you to go over budget or risk not completing the job on time or not at all. Solid telehandler tires never go flat which means you’ll never waste one second changing a flat tire again. 

3. Safety

The only thing more important than time and money is the health and well-being of your construction crew. Flat tires pose a serious risk if they occur at the wrong time. Imagine popping a tire on your telehandler when it’s carrying a large load at an extended reach. This not only risks damaging work you’ve already completed or damaging the load you’re carrying if it shifts and falls, but more importantly, it could seriously injure an employee. Safety is a top priority on any construction site. Pneumatic telehandler tires that are operating with heavy loads are very dangerous. This is why solid telehandler tires are the superior choice. They’re specifically designed for abrasive construction applications as they don't go flat. Solid telehandler tires are not an accident waiting to happen. Solid telehandler tires are the proper, safe, and superior part to be used on telehandlers.

4. Performance

Solid telehandler tires offer superior performance in construction applications. Their large and wide lug design gives them ultimate traction and machine handling in construction zones and abrasive terrains. Solid telehandler tires are designed for this type of job and are the perfect fit for telehandlers. A pneumatic telehandler tire is just not the proper performance part for these applications as they’re more prone to unexpected bouncing. If you want to get the best performance out of your telehandler you need to put the highest performing parts on it and the solid telehandler tire is the way to go!


There's a time and a place for pneumatic tires, but in telehandler applications, they're by far not the best choice. A pneumatic telehandler tire will cost you more in the end, increase your risk of accident or site damage, decrease your level of performance, and slow you down with tire repair and replacement work. Solid telehandler tires do cost more upfront, but they offer you long-term cost savings, decreased downtime, increased safety, and superior performance in terms of tractions and handling. For these reasons, solid telehandler tires are the superior choice for any telehandler application.