Efficient Airless Pivot Tires for Reinke Pivot Irrigation Systems
Which are the best tires for your Reinke pivot irrigation system? Well, there are a lot of factors to consider. What do you need out of your pivot tires? More Traction? Fewer flats? Or more floatation?
Evolution Wheel knows that the traditional pneumatic and even other airless pivot tires cause many problems for farms using Reinke pivot irrigation systems so we decided to design a tire to solve all these issues in one pivot tire you can trust.
Why Efficiency is Important
Farming is all about efficiency. Allocating your time and labor to the most important and pressing tasks can get hard and even expensive when you can’t trust your equipment to do the job. When it comes to center pivot irrigation systems, flat tires and rutting are common issues that take lots of time and expense to fix, however, they are easily preventable with the right pivot tires. The design of the EWRS-PIVOT maximizes the efficiency and reliability of your center pivot irrigation system so you can get back to work.
How the EWRS-PIVOT Maximize Efficiency
EWRS-PIVOT airless irrigation tires are designed to minimize downtime for center pivot irrigation systems. They do this by eliminating the possibility of flat tires which cause gearbox damage, and your towers can come out of alignment.
Pneumatic pivot tires may initially be cheaper than the EWRS-PIVOT however when you add up all the expenses they come with and the potential yield loss, it is more cost-effective to go with the EWRS-PIVOT airless irrigation tires.
The EWRS-PIVOT Airless Pivot Tire
The EWRS-PIVOT airless center pivot irrigation tire was designed with all these problems in mind. It is engineered specifically to mimic a pneumatic pivot tires compression, a wide true to spec 14.9” x 24” profile to increase traction, and a concave profile that increases floatation which prevents rutting.
The EWRS-PIVOT is an airless tire which means that it will never go flat. Instead of compressed air, it has a unique core hole geometry that compresses completely when pressure is applied. This allows the tire to act like a pneumatic mimicking its traction as well as being self-cleaning, so you don’t have to worry about additional weight on the system.
The concaved true to spec 14.9” X 24” profile keeps mud underneath the tire, spreads the weight over an increased surface area. While the aggressive tire tread pattern increases overall floatation and traction.
The EWRS-PIVOT’s high-quality rubber has UV protection, and the rims are made with high-strength steel that will last a lifetime. It is also a segmented tire. Each segment is bolted onto the rim so all you need is a 3/4" socket to service the tire when it’s damaged. That being said, the rubber on our tires will last 2-3 times the life span of your traditional center pivot irrigation system, without the risk of going flat.
The EWRS-PIVOT airless center pivot irrigation tire is engineered to solve the problems that farmers face when it comes to irrigation systems while not creating new ones. The unique design is a cost-effective problem-solving solution allowing you to trust your pivot tires not to fail on you.

The EWRS-PIVOT series of airless pivot tires from Evolution Wheel offers the most advanced airless technology to the irrigation market. This solution delivers serviceability, traction, and floatation into one impressive offering.
Our tread design and tire profile offer greater traction through mud and obstacles. The unique concave contact face helps eliminate rutting by keeping dirt under the tire, where it belongs. The face of the tire is pointed inwards. Compared to typical pneumatic irrigation tires which convex shape push mud out from under the tire, causing ruts.
Our proprietary segmented design bolts onto our high strength wheel, allowing you the ability to service the tire quickly, eliminating the need to change a tire in the field.
Unlike other airless pivot tires, the EWRS-PIVOT compresses flat pushing material out, it's a self-cleaning system. The compressed cores elongate the footprint of the tire allowing it to wrap over obstacles increasing traction and reducing ground pressure.

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