evolution wheel solid tires


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Hard Surface Skid Steer Tire Options for Waste Transfer Stations

Posted by Evolution Wheel on Oct 27, 2017 9:47:23 AM

Waste transfer stations can be one of the most brutal areas to operate a skid steer. As such a waste transfer skid steer tire needs to be up to the task. The machine spends all of its time on hard, abrasive concrete which greatly adds to the normal wear and tear of the tire. In addition, because people throw all sorts of things in the trash, there is a high probability that the operator will inadvertently drive the machine over something sharp. This will cause a puncture. Proper tire selection will minimize wear on your investment and puncture risks which is why hard surface skid steer tires are the optimal choice for a waste transfer station.

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Topics: bobcat tires, non-pneumatic tires, solid tires, solid tire, skid loader tires, solid skid steer tires, skid steer tire, segmented tires, segmented solid tires, serviceable solid tire, skid steer tires, waste transfer station, hard surface skid steer tires, hard surface skid steer tire

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