Bi-Directional Center Pivot Tires
What is Bi-Directional Tread
Traditional pivot tires have a directional tread that will push mud and materials out from underneath the tire. This digs into the ground and aids in the creation of ruts.
The EWRS-PIVOT airless irrigation tire is designed with a bi-directional tread design. Bi-directional tread has a symmetrical pattern that acts the same when the tire is facing forward and backward while also not pushing material away from the tire. Pairing this with a concave profile, the EWRS-PIVOT has maximized both flotation and traction for your center pivot irrigation system.
Added Benefits of Our Bi-Direction Tread Design
The bi-directional tread design allows you to attach the tire to the hub on both sides of the tire, shallow side in, allowing the tire to stick out farther or shallow side out, for a tighter fit. We offset the center plate of the tire which gives it the ability to be installed on any center pivot system. We have also designed the hub plate to be compatible with every major center pivot irrigation system manufactures hub so that the tire will work for everyone. No matter what.

The EWRS-PIVOT series of airless pivot tires from Evolution Wheel offers the most advanced airless technology to the irrigation market. This solution delivers serviceability, traction, and floatation into one impressive offering.
Our tread design and tire profile offer greater traction through mud and obstacles. The unique concave contact face helps eliminate rutting by keeping dirt under the tire, where it belongs. The face of the tire is pointed inwards. Compared to typical pneumatic irrigation tires which convex shape push mud out from under the tire, causing ruts.
Our proprietary segmented design bolts onto our high strength wheel, allowing you the ability to service the tire quickly, eliminating the need to change a tire in the field.
Unlike other airless pivot tires, the EWRS-PIVOT compresses flat pushing material out, it's a self-cleaning system. The compressed cores elongate the footprint of the tire allowing it to wrap over obstacles increasing traction and reducing ground pressure.

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